What exactly is marketing?
New Insight Marketing’s modern thinking and practice.
There are many approaches and definitions for the fields of Marketing, Advertising, Branding, Public Relations, and the like. None of them are wrong, we just believe we have hit the target. New Insight Marketing has spent years shaping and proving our thoughts regarding a general and basic definition of our industry. We operate with this mindset and encourage our clients to embrace the following:
“Marketing is the use of research to develop strategies and how you communicate the value of your products and services to your customers.”
Peter Drucker, referred to as possibly the greatest management thinker and theorist of the last century, has been quoted as saying:
“Marketing is much broader than selling, it encompasses the entire business. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of the final result, that is, from the customer’s point of view.”
Marketing is far more than implementing tactics.
Marketing should be understood in the modern sense of satisfying customer needs. As a result, it should combine many activities – working together to attract, serve and satisfy consumer needs while also focusing on organizational goals.

Why should I be marketing?
If you’re not, there’s a very good chance someone else is.
We know that demographics are changing and that marketing itself is evolving because of oversaturation. New marketing channels have emerged such as online, mobile, video, social media and cross media.
But this still doesn’t help you answer the question of why your company should invest in marketing. Good products sell and bad products fail, right? Let us go back again to another statement made by the late Peter Drucke.

“The purpose of business is to create a customer. Because of this, the business enterprise has two and only two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Concern and responsibility for marketing must therefore permeate all areas of the enterprise.”
Without consistent and ongoing marketing research, you’ll be out of touch and out of mind with your customers.
What happens when you don’t market? If you’re not marketing, then you’re not conducting research about your future customers. Not marketing means that fewer and fewer people are finding your product, and instead, they’re becoming loyal customers of your competitor. When you don’t market, you lose brand visibility and relevancy. An ongoing marketing strategy is important if you want your customers to have confidence in your brand.
If you still aren’t convinced marketing is important, there’s a very good chance one or more of your competitors is convinced.

How should I be marketing?
You’ll need more than a few ads and a couple of press releases.
New Insight Marketing’s how-to consists of joining classic, textbook marketing standards with more modern, relationship-based marketing methods.
Relationship Marketing differs from other forms of marketing in that it recognizes the long-term value of customer relationships and extends communication beyond intrusive advertising and sales promotional messages. This technique takes full advantage of current relationship based trends by providing a greater focus on quality and personal service that today’s customer audiences demand.
There’s no getting around the fact that three to four different generations make up the audience targeted by today’s business-to-consumer and business-to-business companies.
- Are you watching the Gen X’ers? Now in their 40s, they’re a generation with money to spend and firm convictions on how to spend it!
- Are you aware that Gen Y is 75+ million strong? Very different convictions from the Gen X’ers!
- What can be said that already hasn’t regarding the Boomers? If your company is in health and wellness, be ready!
- How about the senior population? Did you know that Americans ages 65+ are the fastest growing online population!
Your goal, and our goal, is to grow business exponentially over a period of time. Cultivate customer loyalty, strengthen brand messages and earn the reputation as the brand of choice across targeted generations.

New Insight Marketing’s offers campaigns using strategy, message and design with a relationship-based approach. We work hand in hand with your organization’s executives to serve as your marketing and public relations advisor or simply as extra resources for your existing marketing team. Our service partner model lets you have ultimate flexibility to gain ultimate results. At New Insight Marketing, there truly is no job too big or too small. We’re ready to turn your visions into reality.
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